Jack Robbins ICC, CSI, DHI Owner

Jack Robbins started RAPC to provide the knowledge and training to support the architect’s vision in unison with fire safety. Jack’s thirty plus years in the industry has given him the knowledge and understanding of what each member of the team requires for a successful project.
Jack Robbins has been working with manufacturers for two decades. Jack has worked as a Distributor and a National Development & Code Compliance Specialist; this has given him the knowledge to understand what the manufacturers and distributors need to become great partners to grow their companies. Part of his role as an ICC preferred provider, Jack provides both face-to-face and virtual training for architects, code officials and distributors. His training ensures that life safety requirements are considered through the design, build and inspection process. Jack has also worked with general contractors for more than 30 years providing estimates, field surveys, budgets, cost analysis, service and repair evaluations, and project management.
Jack has received certifications from EduCode International for: IBC Care Facilities, Fire Resistant Rated Construction, IBC Fundamentals, IBC Means of Egress, Automatic Door Operator Service School, Fire Door Code Compliance, FEMA Guidance for Community and Residential Safe Rooms, 2018 IBC Significant Changes, Code Standards and Listings, and Alternate Materials and Emerging Technologies. He has been an active member of The Construction Specification Institute (CSI) since 2007.
Robbins Architectural
Products and Consulting
By utilizing our expertise and providing superior products your design team’s vision is never compromised and safety is never jeopardized.
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